He is With You

I wanted to share a word of encouragement with you today. God has an army ready to fight for you! In 1 Kings 19, we read about the prophet Elijah running for his life, after Jezebel threatened to kill him.

Right before this threat, we see God using Elijah mightily, he was able to show the Israelites that our God was the true God. Fire fell from heaven and consumed the altar he had restored. Those false prophets worshiping Baal, who were unable to have their god perform the miracle, were put to death by Elijah.

After all that, Elijah was afraid, and ran. God met him at Mount Horeb and asked him: “What are you doing here?”

Have you ever asked that question? Have you been running out of fear, not knowing what’s next? Have you been doing things yourself, relying on your own strength?

I want to tell you that God sees you, and He is raising an army to help you through whatever situation you are going through. God spoke to Elijah through a whisper, not through the earthquake or the fire. Are you listening for that whisper? Sometimes we need to quiet the world around us to hear it. May the Lord bless you and keep you!