Don’t Be Afraid

A few weeks ago I shared with you the story of Nehemiah and how his bold prayer granted him favor when rebuilding the Jerusalem walls.

Today, I wanted to briefly encourage you with a similar story found in the book of Ezra. After the Babylonians destroyed Jerusalem, its temple, and took many of the people into exile, approximately 50 years later, there were three key leaders that helped Jerusalem get back to the way things were. Zerubbabel brought the people back to rebuild the temple, sixty years later Ezra taught the Torah and rebuilt the community, and years later Nehemiah rebuilds the walls.

I want you know know that there is always a process for everything; and although we may not see it right away, God’s plan never fails. The Israelites were taken into captivity because of their disobedience. God gave them many opportunities for repentance and to move away from their sinful behavior, but He ultimately used the Babylonian empire to overtake them.

God was and is true to His word. He had promised the Israelites that the exile was not going to be the end of the story. After this, God uses the king of Persia and allows the Israelites to return to Jerusalem, and they had to rebuild their temple. They had to bring the worship back to their homeland, and they had to make it welcoming for God to dwell among them again. After that, Ezra brought back the Torah, or the word of God, so the people could live the way God wanted them to live. He also restored the sense of community among them. Nehemiah rebuilt the walls for protection from the enemy, and as a symbol of power.

What I’m trying to say to you today is that. We know we all fall short from the grace of God, but today is always a good day to REPENT and move away from that that is keeping you away from God. You then REBUILD that temple, bring back that worship and that relationship with God. Then RE-LEARN the word of God, find out how much He loves you, and how to keep that relationship going. And finally, REBUILD the walls to guard your heart from the enemy. We know that the enemy has come to steal , kill and destroy. These three key leaders faced opposition, and I’m sure you will as well, however, hold on tight to the promises of our God and Savior “The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”

‭‭Deuteronomy‬ ‭31:8‬ ‭NIV‬‬

May the Lord bless you and keep you!