What’s Next?

I would like to share a word of encouragement with you today. 1 Kings 19 tells us that God gave Elijah a revelation which included that he needed to find Elisha the son of Shaphat and anoint him as his successor.

The Bible tells us that Elijah finds Elisha who was working the field and that Elijah threw his mantel or cloak on him. “Elisha then left his oxen and ran after Elijah. “Let me kiss my father and mother goodbye,” he said, “and then I will come with you.”

Are you ready to let go of what you are holding onto to follow God’s plan? We see that Elijah was obedient to God, and Elisha without knowing it, was being obedient as well. We see this pattern when Jesus asked Peter, Andrew, James and John to follow Him as they were fishing.

The disciples had to leave their family, their profession, their desires behind to walk in Gods plan. There are times when we need to drop everything we are doing and follow him. Sometimes it’s a career, sometimes it is family, sometimes it is own desires, our plans and dreams.

Jesus indeed made these men fishers of men, and because of them, the Gospel was shared with many. Elisha did great things as well, just before God took Elijah in a chariot of fire, Elisha asked God for a double portion of what He had given Elijah.

Are you wondering what’s next for your life? Have you been asking God to use you? Have you been running away from God’s plan for your life?

God wants to use you! Are you willing to explore the plan that He has for you? May the Lord bless you and keep you!