Seeking The Kingdom Of God

Seeking the Kingdom of God. Here in New England the weather tends to be unpredictable at times. The temperatures fluctuate. During the Winter, it may feel like Spring, and in the Spring we may get a bit of snow. Although man cannot predict the weather with accuracy, I know that God always plans ahead. When we look at the trees and the grass this time they look dead and withered, but we know that in a few weeks we will see everything green again.

As I was reading the book of Matthew I came across this verse “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” Matthew 6:33 NIV.

Seeking the kingdom of God. These words are rewritten in red because they were spoken by our creator. A few verses before this one He explains how valuable we are to Him, and the fact that He takes care of the birds, the animals and the plants. He states how He clothes them, and how He feeds them, and how He does the same for us.

Sometimes we worry about our finances, our tomorrow. When you start worrying about those things, look out your window, look at the trees and look at the birds, look how they just fly around and find food or a place to shelter them from the storm.


I encourage you to seeking first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. This means that you depend on Him, not your job, for He is your Provider. You put your trust in Him because He knows your need and He wants to fulfill it.

As you talk to Him today thank him for who He is, and ask him to continue to take care of you. May the Lord bless you and keep you!

Matthew 6:33- Seeking the kingdom of God