It is Finished

I have heard many times that the journey is what makes the trip worth it. We as a family try to do at least one road trip per year.

I think many of you can relate to the fact that sometimes the stress, the traffic and unplanned events that happen from point A to point B can be overwhelming. But once you get to your destination, you are able to enjoy your time and recover from that journey.

As we observe and reflect on this week, let us not lose sight of Jesus’s journey from Gabbatha to Golgotha. We find this journey in the book of John chapter 19. Gabbatha was the place of rejection, the place where Jesus was sentenced for a crime He did not commit, Golgotha was that place of crucifixion, where He died for you and I.

But it was that journey that changed rejection to forgiveness, from lashing and beating, to His love and His mercy toward us. Jesus went through that journey in order to defeat death, and absorb the sins of the world. On the third day, He rose victoriously, proclaiming He is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.

Although the journey can be difficult at times, there is hope once we reach our destination. This can be a physical destination, but it can also be a spiritual destination.

If you are struggling with the now, know that God knows our tomorrow. Put your trust in Him and He will carry you through it. May the Lord bless you and keep you!